Swimming is an important activity for many disabled people, at competition level or purely for recreation. Swimming provides independence and freedom for the physically impaired person who can move independently in water, outside the confines of a wheelchair and without a walking aid or prosthesis.
Hoists are one way of helping wheelchair users to get into the pool. As a Commercial Pool Operator, you should carefully consider the location of the hoists to ensure they are of maximum benefit and do not represent an obstruction to the free movement of pool users and staff.
Under UK law, Commercial Pools must make sure:
- staff are fully trained and competent in the use of the equipment;
- the capabilities of the individual are taken into consideration;
- the equipment is inspected and, if necessary, tested periodically by a competent person to ensure that the hoist can continue to safely lift loads up to its marked safe working load.
At Specialist Pools Services we can ensure that hoists or similar devices are maintained and fit for purpose and staff are properly trained in their use, ensuring safe access for disabled people and your compliance with UK Law and best practice.
We can advise you on all aspects of the requirements and obligations as a Commercial Pool operator to comply with your duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act, as described in the HSE’s Guidance note 174 4th Edition (2018)- Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools.